What Foods Are The Best For Meal Prep

What Foods Are The Best For Meal Prep


Planning ahead is essential for a healthy and stress-free lifestyle.

Meal prepping is one of the best ways to save time throughout the week and ensure that you're always eating nutritious, delicious meals. However, before you start meal prepping it's important to know which foods are best suited for this method of food preparation. In this article, we'll explore the best foods for meal prepping and provide some tips for creating a variety of meals with these staples. Ready to get started? Let's go!

Meal Prep 101:

Meal prepping is a great way to save time and energy when it comes to your weekly meals. It can also help you stay on track with healthy eating habits, as you’ll have nutritious meals at the ready whenever hunger strikes. The best foods for meal prepping depend largely on personal preference and dietary needs, but some staples include proteins like chicken, fish, and tempeh; grains such as quinoa or brown rice; and vegetables that can be roasted or cooked in a skillet. Soups, salads, and wraps are also great options to prep in large batches.

What Is Meal Prepping?

Meal prepping is the process of planning out your meals in advance and prepping the ingredients so they’re ready to be cooked and served. This can involve anything from portioning out individual servings of cooked proteins, preparing a week’s worth of salads, or pre-cooking grains and legumes for easy reheating throughout the week. Meal prepping is a great way to save time and money, as it allows you to buy in bulk and plan ahead for the week.

What Is Meal Prepping?

The Best Foods for Meal Prepping:

When it comes to meal prepping, some foods are better suited than others. Proteins such as chicken, fish, and tempeh are great for meal prepping because they can easily be cooked in advance and stored in the refrigerator or freezer until needed. Grains such as quinoa and brown rice are also excellent meal prepping staples, as they cook quickly and can be paired with vegetables or proteins to create a balanced meal.

Vegetables are another important part of meal prepping. Roasting vegetables in the oven is an easy way to prepare them for the week ahead, while cooking vegetables in a skillet ensures that they’re cooked quickly and evenly. Soups, salads, and wraps are also great meal prepping options; these can be made in large batches and stored in airtight containers for easy reheating throughout the week.

Finally, condiments and sauces can take your meal prep to the next level. Having a variety of salad dressings, marinades, and sauces can make the same meal feel new and exciting each time.

Tips for Creating Delicious Meals with the Best Foods for Meal Prep:

Now that you know which foods are best suited for meal prepping, let’s discuss some tips for creating delicious meals with these staples. Start by planning out your meals for the week and grocery shopping accordingly. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start small; instead of trying to prep all your meals for the week in one day, pick a few to focus on each day.

Once you’ve prepped your ingredients, get creative with how you combine them. Try to use different proteins and vegetables in each meal, and don’t be afraid to experiment with flavors. A few tablespoons of herbs or spices can go a long way in transforming the same meal into something new and exciting.

Finally, make sure to store your meals properly so they stay fresh. Use airtight containers or resealable bags to store your meals in the refrigerator or freezer, and label them with the date so you know when they were made.

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Meal prepping is a great way to save time and money while ensuring that you have nourishing meals on hand. The best foods for meal prepping depend largely on personal preference and dietary needs, but some staples include proteins like chicken, fish, and tempeh; grains such as quinoa or brown rice; vegetables that can be roasted or cooked in a skillet; soups, salads, and wraps; and condiments and sauces. With a little planning, creativity, and storage know-how, you can create delicious meals with these best foods for meal prepping!

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For optimal freshness and safety, it's best to avoid prepping certain foods in advance. These include salads with dressing already applied (as they can become soggy), fried foods (which may become greasy and unappetizing), and dishes with delicate fresh herbs or greens added early (as they may wilt or lose flavor). Additionally, foods that require a crispy texture, like tempura or fresh fruits that brown quickly like apples and bananas, should be prepared fresh to maintain their quality.

Hardy vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins tend to last the longest when prepared in advance. Examples include sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, quinoa, brown rice, chicken breasts, and tofu. These items can typically be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days without losing much in the way of texture or flavor. For longer storage, consider freezing portions that you won’t eat within the first few days after preparation.

The best portions for meal prep depend on your individual dietary needs and goals, but a general guideline is to fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and the remaining quarter with complex carbohydrates. For example, a balanced meal might include 1 cup of vegetables, 3-4 ounces of protein, and ½ cup of cooked grains or starchy vegetables. Adjusting these portions based on your activity level and nutritional requirements is key.

A diverse mix of proteins, vegetables, and grains can keep your meals interesting and nutritionally balanced. Consider prepping grilled chicken, roasted vegetables (like zucchini, bell peppers, and onions), and a batch of quinoa or brown rice. Additionally, preparing a variety of sauces or dressings can add flavor and excitement to your meals throughout the week. Remember to include some healthy snacks, such as chopped vegetables, nuts, or yogurt, to keep hunger at bay between meals.

  1. Planning Ahead: Before shopping, decide what meals you'll make for the week. This helps ensure you buy only what you need, reducing waste and saving money.
  2. Batch Cooking: Prepare and cook large quantities of staples or entire meals at once to save time during busy weekdays.
  3. Proper Storage: Invest in quality, airtight containers to keep prepped meals fresh and prevent flavors from mingling. Labeling containers with the contents and date can also help track freshness.

Meal prepping for 3-4 days in advance is a good balance for most people. This timeframe helps maintain the freshness and quality of your meals while minimizing waste. If you have a busy schedule, you might consider prepping for 5 days, keeping in mind that some meals might need to be frozen to preserve their quality towards the end of the week. Listen to your schedule and needs to find the best balance for you.

The best meats for meal prep are those that retain their flavor and texture over a few days. Chicken breast, lean beef (such as sirloin or tenderloin cuts), turkey, and pork loin are excellent choices. These meats can be grilled, baked, or slow-cooked in bulk and then added to various meals throughout the week. For the health-conscious, these options offer lean protein that supports muscle maintenance and growth.

Yes, rice is an excellent option for meal prep. It’s versatile, affordable, and when stored properly, can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator. Brown rice, wild rice, and basmati are particularly good choices due to their nutrient content and ability to maintain texture. To ensure safety and freshness, cool the rice quickly after cooking and store it in airtight containers.

Meal prepping for 5 days is safe for most foods, provided that you follow proper storage guidelines. Cooked meals should be stored in airtight containers and kept in the fridge at or below 40°F (4°C). It's also important to reheat meals to at least 165°F (75°C) before eating to ensure food safety. However, consider the ingredients in each dish, as some may have shorter shelf lives.

Yes, meal prepping can be an effective strategy for weight loss. By planning and preparing your meals in advance, you have more control over portion sizes and ingredients, making it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet. It also helps reduce the temptation to opt for less healthy, convenience food options on busy days. Incorporating a variety of lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains into your meal preps can support weight loss goals.

The best carbs for meal prep are those that provide sustained energy and nutritional benefits. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, barley, and whole wheat pasta are excellent choices. Starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and corn also offer fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These carbohydrates can be cooked in bulk and added to meals throughout the week, complementing proteins and fats for a balanced diet.

The amount of chicken in a meal prep depends on individual dietary needs and goals. However, a general guideline is about 3 to 4 ounces (85 to 113 grams) of cooked chicken per serving, which provides roughly 20 to 25 grams of protein. This portion size can be adjusted based on your activity level, weight goals, and overall dietary intake. For those looking to build muscle or increase their protein intake, portions may be increased to meet nutritional requirements.

The healthiest carbs to incorporate into your daily diet are those that provide nutritional value beyond just energy. These include whole grains like quinoa, oats, and brown rice; starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes and squash; legumes like lentils and chickpeas; and fruits, particularly berries, apples, and bananas. These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting overall health and well-being.

"Clean carbs" refer to carbohydrates that are minimally processed and retain their natural fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Foods high in clean carbs include quinoa, which is also a complete protein source; sweet potatoes, rich in vitamin A and fiber; oatmeal, known for its heart-healthy soluble fiber; and legumes like black beans and lentils, which offer both protein and fiber. Incorporating these foods into your diet can enhance energy levels and promote digestive health.

Fiber-rich carbohydrates tend to be the most filling, as fiber slows down digestion, leading to a prolonged feeling of fullness. Foods like oats, whole wheat pasta, barley, and legumes (such as beans and lentils) are great examples. These carbs not only help you feel full longer but also provide essential nutrients and help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Refined carbohydrates and sugars are often considered the worst type of carbs due to their minimal nutritional value and negative impact on health. These include white bread, pastries, sodas, and other highly processed or sugary foods. They can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, contributing to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues when consumed in excess.

Foods high in protein and fiber are excellent for satiety without contributing to weight gain. These include lean proteins such as chicken breast, turkey, and tofu; high-fiber vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale; and fruits, particularly those with a high water content, such as watermelon, oranges, and apples. Eating these foods can help you feel full and satisfied while managing calorie intake.

Similar to the worst carb, the most unhealthy carbs are those that have been heavily processed, stripping away beneficial nutrients and fiber. This category includes sugary beverages, white bread, pastries, and other sweets. These carbs are rapidly absorbed by the body, leading to quick spikes in blood sugar and offering little to no nutritional value, making them detrimental to health when consumed frequently and in large amounts.

To aid in weight loss, it's advisable to reduce or avoid refined and processed carbohydrates. These include:


  • White bread and pasta: These foods are made from refined wheat, which has had most of its fiber and nutrients removed.
  • Sugary snacks and beverages: Cookies, candies, cakes, and soft drinks contribute to calorie intake without providing satiety or nutritional benefits.
  • Processed cereals: Many breakfast cereals are high in added sugars and low in fiber.
  • White rice: Similar to white bread and pasta, white rice is a refined grain that lacks fiber and can cause blood sugar spikes.

Opting for whole, fiber-rich carbs like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains instead can help manage hunger and support weight loss efforts.

Carbs that are most likely to contribute to increased belly fat are those that are high in simple sugars and low in fiber. Consuming large amounts of these carbs can lead to insulin resistance, increased fat storage, and weight gain around the midsection. Foods associated with increased belly fat include:

  • Sugary beverages: Soft drinks, fruit juices with added sugars, and energy drinks.
  • Refined grains: Products made with white flour, such as white bread, pastries, and many snack foods.
  • High-sugar sweets and desserts: Candy bars, cakes, cookies, and ice cream.

Limiting these types of carbs and focusing on balanced meals with lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs can help prevent the accumulation of belly fat.

For effective weight loss, consider reducing or eliminating the following types of carbohydrates:

  • Refined carbs: These are found in foods like pastries, white bread, and any product made from white flour. They offer little nutritional value and can lead to overeating.
  • High-sugar foods: Candies, sugary desserts, and sweetened beverages can significantly increase your daily caloric intake without satisfying hunger.
  • Processed snack foods: Chips, crackers, and other processed snacks often contain unhealthy fats and refined carbs.

Instead, focus on incorporating whole, unprocessed carbs into your diet, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, which can support weight loss and overall health.

While no food can be eaten in unlimited quantities if you're looking to lose weight, there are several low calorie, high-fiber options that you can enjoy more freely. These include:

  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy vegetables are very low in calories but high in fiber and essential nutrients.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage tend to be filling and nutrient-rich with minimal calories.
  • Whole fruits: Especially those high in water content, like watermelon, oranges, and apples, offer natural sugars and fiber to help satisfy sweet cravings with fewer calories.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are low in calories but high in fiber and antioxidants.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help control hunger and reduce overall calorie intake.

Choosing the right foods to eat at night can help prevent weight gain and may even support your weight loss goals. Some good options include:

  • Greek yogurt: Rich in protein and probiotics, helping you feel full and support digestive health.
  • Cottage cheese: High in protein and contains tryptophan, which may help improve sleep quality.
  • Nuts and seeds: A small portion of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds can provide healthy fats and some protein, promoting satiety.
  • Vegetable sticks: Carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers are crunchy, satisfying, and low in calories.

Remember, portion control is key, even with healthier options.

It's important to approach the concept of "unlimited" eating with caution, even with low-calorie foods, as all foods contribute to total calorie intake. However, foods that are typically considered lower in calories and can be consumed in larger volumes include:


  • Non-starchy vegetables: Such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.
  • Broth-based soups: Soups that are primarily vegetable broth-based can be filling and low in calories.
  • Herbs and spices: Use these to add flavor to meals without adding significant calories.

Mindful eating practices should still be employed to maintain a healthy diet and weight.

A balanced dinner that supports weight loss should include a combination of lean protein, fiber-rich vegetables, and whole grains or healthy fats. For example:


  • Grilled salmon or chicken breast served with a side of quinoa and steamed broccoli.
  • Stir-fried tofu with a variety of colorful vegetables over brown rice.
  • Vegetable soup with beans or lentils and a side of whole-grain bread.

These meals are not only nutritious but also help you feel full longer, aiding in weight loss efforts.

An ideal healthy snack for weight loss is one that's low in calories but satisfying. Some great choices include:

  • Air-popped popcorn: Low in calories; just avoid adding too much butter or salt.
  • Sliced apple with peanut butter: Offers a good mix of sweetness and protein.
  • Hummus and vegetable sticks: Provides protein and fiber, keeping you full until bedtime.

Choosing snacks that contain protein and fiber can help keep hunger at bay without contributing significantly to daily calorie intake.

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